Paul Kocialkowski's coding blog

Free software, programming and stuff

Android with mainline Linux kernel support on the Goldelico GTA04

Written by Paul Kocialkowski 3 comments

During the past few months, I've been working on bringing Replicant 4.2 support to the Goldelico GTA04, a montherboard replacement for the Openmoko FreeRunner (GTA02) that is manufactured by Golden Delicious with the intent of being free software friendly. The board design is also released under a free licence. There is an active community of developers and users dedicated to the GTA04 and other similar projects, brougt together under the hood of OpenPhoenux. Other similar projects include the upcoming Neo900, a motherboard replacement for the Nokia N900 using similar hardware as the GTA04 and also aiming to be free software friendly, with a particular emphasis on security and privacy features.

I recently published a blog post covering the status of the Replicant 4.2 port to the Goldelico GTA04 on the Replicant blog, with a nice video highlighting which features already work well. However, in the present post, I would like to cover some of the technical aspects of the port, especially regarding the use of a recent mainline Linux kernel with Android 4.2.

Currently, Android devices ship with Linux 3.4, after a long time of using version 3.0, which started with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. To this day, the reference common Android kernel repos have branches with Linux 3.10 and experimental work is done on Linux 3.14. That's pretty close to the Linux 3.12 version we're using on the GTA04!

Opportunistic suspend

The first challenge to overcome was dealing with suspend and resume. Android uses a particular mechanism to implement opportunistic suspend, using wakelocks: both the kernel and userspace can register these locks to prevent the device from going to suspend. In Android kernels, there is another mechanism that allows some non-critical chips to reach suspend state before the rest of the system: this is earlysuspend. As the whole Android system is built around the concept of wakelocks to handle power management, something similar needed to be implemented in the mainline Linux kernel. After efforts from the Android kernel maintainers, wakelocks were implemented in a clean fashion some time ago. In order to implement opportunistic suspend, a separate interface was implemented on mainline Linux, known as autosleep, which uses different nodes than /sys/power/state (that the Android kernels use directly for opportunistic suspend). Starting in Android 4.1, a library was added to Android in order to detect and handle these different modes.

So thankfully, everything was already in place to use autosleep properly on Android 4.2. Except that it didn't work. This turned out to be because of a dedicated capability that was missing from the Android userspace: CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND. It turned out to be easier to just revert the patch restricting access to wakelocks to users with that capability in the kernel.

Android USB Gadget and Android Debug Bridge

Android also went their own way in implementing USB device drivers for the various things that are used by Android: mass storage, rndis for USB networking, MTP for file access and a couple others, including ADB. The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a great way of debugging what's going on with an Android device, providing easy access to the logs, to a shell and file transfer (these are the features of ADB I use the most). All of that is not integrated at all in the mainline Linux kernel, so there was some substantial work to do here. The first thing to do was importing the related commits from the android-3.10 branch of the common Android Linux kernel. All of that built nicely with only minor code corrections, to follow some API changes in 3.12 and some features like rndis or MTP worked right away, but the most interesting part was left not working: that's the Android Debug Bridge. A few kernel versions back, there used to be a dedicated composite function driver for ADB, but a commit by one of Android's kernel maintainers totally gets rid of it, calling it obsolete with no further information. While attempts to restore it failed, I tried to find out in details why it is obsolete and if that meant the final death of ADB, that I found rather convenient. Thankfully, someone found out what happened and wrote about it: the dedicated ADB driver was being replaced by another one using FunctionFS, a more flexible and generic way of implementing such drivers, directly from userspace. It turns out that FunctionFS support for the userspace ADB server was merged nearly entirely in Android 4.2. I had to backport a missing fix to have it fully working properly and also had to import adaptation a patch in recovery to have sideload working with FunctionFS too. A few bits were also needed in the initialization procedure to have things set up right. Once all of that was done, it could finally run flawlessly!

Headset/headphones detection with SoC Jack

So Jack's a good guy. Everyone knows about that. Whether he's saving the homeland from yet another threat or just letting us know something of interest just got plugged in one hole or another, it always feels great to hear from Jack. However, the Android kernel guys didn't seem to appreciate his participation in the show as much as we all do, or at least until recently.

The traditional way of reporting a headset or headphones plug/unplug in Android kernels was using a switch called h2w, reporting these events to userspace. The mainline kernel prefers another approach, using our beloved Jack SoC architecture. It also provides a convenient way of reporting button pushes, which is quite nice. So instead of rewriting it all using the h2w switch, it struck me that there is a frameworks config option to politely ask Android to give Jack some consideration. And when it does that, everything works great, including button press reports!

The Samsung Galaxy back-door was bullshit. Really?

Written by Paul Kocialkowski 18 comments

A few days ago, I disclosed (on behalf of the Replicant projet) our research regarding a back-door found in a proprietary program running on Samsung Galaxy devices' applications processor. This back-door lets the modem perform I/O operations on the device's storage.

For the full statement, please refer to the article posted at Free Software Foundation's website. The relevant technical analysis is available at the Replicant wiki and a complementary statement was issued at the Replicant blog.

In the few hours following the publication, an outstanding number of technology-oriented websites relayed the news, including Phoronix, Slashdot, LWN and XDA-Developers. I'm very glad the press found interest in that research and I'm confident it'll help more and more individuals realize the importance of being in control of their computing: that is, to understand what's at stake with free software.

A few recent developments particularly caught my attention: Ars technica bothered to ask an actual security researcher, Dan Rosenberg his thoughts on our findings. Good thing they decided to go deeper than only duplicating the information. On the other hand, Samsung issued a statement about this issue:

Samsung takes the security of its products extremely seriously. We have investigated the claims that have been made and can confirm that there is no security risk. The Free Software Foundation’s recent allegations are based on a false understanding of the software feature that enables communication between the modem and the Application Processor chipset.

Mostly, the point that is argued by Dan Rosenberg is that there is no evidence of any ability for a remote party to use the back-door, nor any known exploit to make use of it remotely. As a matter of fact, we didn't look at how this could be used over the air: this was not the point of our research. The problem we intended to highlight is not so much about how in practical terms an intruder could use this anti-feature remotely to access and modify the data stored on the device, but rather to show that a particular proprietary software implements a feature that could be used to let the modem gain data I/O access over the device. This is where we find the back-door to be: at the interface between the modem and the applications processor. We do consider the modem to be an “unknown” area that offers no guarantee at all regarding security, since it is running proprietary software. Hence, we believe it is relevant to assume the worse and consider it compromised and subject to remote control. Several indications tend to make us think this is actually what is going on: Craig Murray described how a mobile phone had been remotely converted to a spying device in Murder in Samarkand. Considering the recent revelations regarding the practices of several governments' intelligence agencies, we find it hard to believe there is no way modems cannot be remotely compromised.

The goal of our action was to make people aware of that particular issue. One might consider it to have no value, provided they don't think modems can be remotely compromised and others might see it as a crucial security flaw in the event the modem is compromised, as we do. The fact that it was implemented for another purpose or was not intended to be used in malicious ways doesn't change anything at all: an attacker with remote access to the modem will be able to issue the incriminated requests. There is no possible “false understanding”, in the way Samsung seems to imply here.

For the record, we didn't at any point intend to distort the truth to bring attention to our project or our research, nor did we intend to ruin Samsung's reputation. We simply felt it was our moral responsibility to spread the word about it. I believe anyone can decide for themselves whether they have faith in Samsung's good word that this introduces no further security risk, but let it be clear that it doesn't get any more certain than what good faith can provide. We are still looking forward to working with Samsung to make things right, in case they decide to abandon their current position of denial.

The Samsung S5C73M3 interleaved format

Written by Paul Kocialkowski no comments

I am currently working on writing a free software replacement for the Galaxy S3 camera module, based on the Exynos Camera module I wrote a couple months ago for the Galaxy S2. Both are using V4L2, but the implementation differs in details. Especially, the Galaxy S3's back camera, the Samsung S5C73M3, uses an interleaved format for picture capture.

As an interleaved format, there is no standard and readily-usable implementation to decode the data. After searching for a long time, all I could find was a commit by one of Samsung's developers that introduced that format to mainline, through a LinuxTV patch. First of all, I can't seem to understand why such a patch was accepted mainline given that there is no decoder implementation for that format out there. Moreover, the only camera chip that uses it, the S5C73M3, has a driver that was also accepted in mainline. It seems to me like it was blindly included and nobody cared so much about how it works in practice. Moreover, it seems that this camera chip is mostly found in the Galaxy S3, and I doubt anyone tested mainline on the Galaxy S3 to see whether the S5C73M3 driver works and gives appropriate results.

However, let's not complain too much, that patch gave me crucial info to understand how to properly extract YUV and JPEG from the interleaved data. For reference, here are the explanations given with the patch:

Two-planar format used by Samsung S5C73MX cameras. The first plane contains interleaved JPEG and UYVY image data, followed by meta data in form of an array of offsets to the UYVY data blocks. The actual pointer array follows immediately the interleaved JPEG/UYVY data, the number of entries in this array equals the height of the UYVY image. Each entry is a 4-byte unsigned integer in big endian order and it's an offset to a single pixel line of the UYVY image. The first plane can start either with JPEG or UYVY data chunk. The size of a single UYVY block equals the UYVY image's width multiplied by 2. The size of a JPEG chunk depends on the image and can vary with each line.

The second plane, at an offset of 4084 bytes, contains a 4-byte offset to the pointer array in the first plane. This offset is followed by a 4-byte value indicating size of the pointer array. All numbers in the second plane are also in big endian order. Remaining data in the second plane is undefined. The information in the second plane allows to easily find location of the pointer array, which can be different for each frame. The size of the pointer array is constant for given UYVY image height.

In order to extract UYVY and JPEG frames an application can initially set a data pointer to the start of first plane and then add an offset from the first entry of the pointers table. Such a pointer indicates start of an UYVY image pixel line. Whole UYVY line can be copied to a separate buffer. These steps should be repeated for each line, i.e. the number of entries in the pointer array. Anything what's in between the UYVY lines is JPEG data and should be concatenated to form the JPEG stream. 

At first, I was only getting the first 0xA00000 bytes, which is in fact only the first plane. Hence, I couldn't find the offset to that pointers array (even though I could locate it manually). I had to enable embeded data with the V4L2_CID_EMBEDDEDDATA_ENABLE control. With that, the buffer gets 0x1000 more bytes: that's the second plane. Then by applying an offset of 4084 bytes to the start of that second plane, I could locate the offset to the pointers array.

Since I complained it was lacking, I wrote a reference implementation that separates the YUV (it's actually UYVY) and JPEG data from the interleaved format: s5c73m3_interleaved_decode.c.

2013-08-06 Update: As I sent an email to the Samsung developers involved in the mainline patch, I was given details on the format (that I already figured out though) as well as a C implementation to separate JPEG and UYVY. The developer also told me he is going to release sample code to decode the format, publicly. So I think things are going to be fine, and my criticism will soon no longer be valid. Yay!

Reverse engineering the Elan KTF2K touchscreen driver

Written by Paul Kocialkowski 3 comments

I recently acquired an Allwinner A13 unbranded tablet in order to port Replicant to it: this platform is well supported by free software (the Linux kenrel and the u-boot bootloader) and there is an active community of developers working on free software for the Allwinner A1x platforms: linux-sunxi.

The tablet I ended up with contains an Elan EKTF2000 touchscreen, but I couldn't find any touchscreen driver for it in the linux-sunxi kernel tree: the source code was just not released, even though it's marked as being GPL-licensed. Moreover, since the tablet is unbranded, there was no one I could contact to request source code. So I asked around, and it turned out that nobody knew about source code that would have been released for that touchscreen. However, the tablet came with Android preinstalled and there was an ektf2k.ko module.

After some research, I finally found a driver for elan ktf2000 touchscreens written by HTC. It seemed to match mine (both use I2C) and preliminary tests revealed that the same protocol (on top of I2C) was used by my touchscreen. However, it was not quite enough to write an usable implementation for my device: as a matter of fact, the returned coordinates from my touchscreen did not match the screen size: it reported values up to 896x576 while the screen size is 800x640. So the whole issue was about figuring out these values (896 and 576) at run time in order to scale down to the actual screen size.

The preinstalled Android system came with a kernel module called which is the actual driver. When loaded, I saw this message on the kernel logs:

[elan] __fw_packet_handler: x resolution: 576, y resolution: 896

Which meant that this driver had the code to get the values from the touchscreen chip.

I quickly understood how the touchscreen protocol works by reading the HTC driver, and it turned out that requests were arrays of 4 bytes, with the first one set to 0x53 (indicating a request) and the second one set to a particular command (indicating what we request). Now considering that requests are usually static tables that are defined in code (that's the way it's done in the HTC driver), declared at the beginning of the function, I knew that the static array of 4 bytes corresponding to the request for the size I needed to find out was held somewhere in the ektf2k.ko module.

Thanks to objdump, I decompiled the module (it is legal to perform such reverse engineering in Europe) and looked at the assembly code for the function __fw_packet_handler. I clearly saw the different calls to elan_ktf2k_ts_get_data and printk, but no sign of the data packets. I then looked at the .rodata section, that contains, as its name suggests, the read-only data, where the packets would likely be stored. The string “__fw_packet_handler” is stored at offset 0170 In this section. Right before, I found the following data:

 0160 53000001 53600000 53630000 53f00001  S...S`..Sc..S...

Looks very much like static arrays of data with the first byte set to 0x53! So I tried issuing requests with the commands 0x00, 0x60, 0x63 and 0xf0 and received the height with 0x60 and the width with 0x63! It was not in the most obvious format but 576 is 0x240 and 896 is 0x380, so it was easy to see that the responses were containing these values.

In the end, I completed my implementation, and I now have a fully working touchscreen (with up to 5 contact points) with the free software kernel!
The patch is: input: Elan KTF2K touchscreen driver with CTP bindings

Update: I recently found the source code that partially matches the kernel module preinstalled in my tablet: ektf2k.c

Orientation vector calculation from accelerometer and magnetometer sensors in Android

Written by Paul Kocialkowski no comments

While reversing the Galaxy Tab 2 sensors, I have been looking for a way to calculate the orientation vector from acceleration and magnetic field vectors: I've looked at any sensors implementation I could find and each time, this was being held into some proprietary component, to the point that the Galaxy Tab 2 has an user-space blob dedicated to this task (orientationd). Since I am not an expert at physics, I soon gave up on writing a free orientationd implementation, which was really a shame given the time I spent making the geomagnetic sensor work properly. I just realized that there was one last implementation I didn't look at, that is the free software user-space program for AKM8975. So many thanks to Asahi Kasei: I was able to reuse that code directly and it worked perfectly at first try.
That's pretty amazing!

All the glory details are in the akmdfs/AKFS_APIs_8975/AKFS_Direction.c file. To put it in a nutshell:


In the end, I think this piece of code from that free software implementation made my day!

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